Climate Action: A Humbug!

Cartoon Movement

Sliding on a slippery slope 
Walking on a risky road 
Development song on every goal 
Missing on the climate course.

Industrialists overcooking the earth 
Others not caring about the dearth 
Increasing carbon footprint every day 
Leaving the earth grim and grey.

Ostentatious sustainable goals 
Climate Summits faking roles
Countries astray ecological nodes
The world is on a smash-mode.

UN Summits to discuss the climate cause, 
Expecting a serious solution call;
Rather ends up finalizing
The next serious meet-up hall! 

GHG emission cuts
Lying on the table every time 
Soon interrupts the ifs and buts 
Sequela, procrastination paradigm!

One hour lights off to celebrate the Earth Day 
On the rest, keeping the measures at bay!
Polluting vicinity regularly,
Visiting hills for vacation concurrently;
Polluting it there too,
You are committing sins on every avenue.

That’s how we are nurturing nature 
That nourishes our life 
Turning it into an ailing mother 
Making the havoc rife. 

Your double standard ethos
And humbug is busted somehow
It's not fair, dear demos,
Please act for nature now.

The paradoxical debate of nature versus penny
Make you choose the mighty money 
Lest you realize, the environment, the almighty
Will soon take acts of revenge in variety.

No wonder the coronavirus had to come eventually
As the people were not taking care of the earth dutifully,
Now nature has taken its recourse
Healing itself on self-mode,
Leaving you on the "gloomy" note! 

Fighting over religious fundamentalism
Dismantling beauty with the sword of hatism;
Rather embrace environmental paganism
Let's cheer up a bit of humanism.


  1. Great
    Hope people Start taking action and stop talking.

  2. Congratulations for Dr Sankar Dayal Sharma Gold 🥇 medal of Delhi University

    Congrats ✨ 📖 🤗

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