Radical or Rational?

It's absolutely right to criticize the government, its brutal policies, and futile decisions but there is a thin line between becoming critics and avengers.

Even if the rightist government tries to exclude Muslims, how can it be justified on part of Muslims to feel delighted when a Hindu is excluded from NRC? I am horrified to see such posts by the so-called educated people on my social media. Is your fight with extremist government or with Hindus? Such posts not only widens the gap between the two religions but also strengthen the roots of hate and animosity in society. 

Refrain from being so religious that you forget to respect other religions and people of other religions because humanity can never have a religion!

Start thinking beyond Hindus-Muslims, minority-majority, Kashmiri Pandits-Kashmiri Muslims and Congress-BJP. Neither every Muslim is a terrorist or invader nor every Hindu is an anti-muslim. Stop radicalizing and start rationalizing!


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